Welcome to a NEW era of the Carnival…
2nd – 8th January 2025

About Us
What is the New Year Classic Tournament?
The New Year Classic is an inclusive faith-based basketball tournament, gathering players from across the country and internationally to compete 
in a one-week tournament. We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne from January 2nd to 8th, 2025!
Since 1971, the Carnival Tournament has been building friendships, providing support and empowering communities through the sport of basketball. It has since grown, moving into a new and exciting era of growth and opportunity. This year, we’re excited to reveal our rebrand, the ‘New Year Classic Tournament’.
The New Year Classic tournament is unlike anything you have been involved in or are likely to find elsewhere! It is an inclusive faith-based basketball tournament that delivers excellence on and off the court. Our unique tournament invites players and teams from all over Australia (and some internationally) to compete in a one-week national basketball tournament held each year in early January.
The competition will be fierce, and the community vibe is electric! This tournament is where some of Australia’s emerging talent and all-time greats shoot 3s, make dunks, and build lifelong friendships. The New Year Classic is not just for the superstars but also for those who love the sport and love to compete in an honourable manner.
If you are new to the New Year Classic we are looking forward to seeing you on the court or getting involved with the event behind the scenes. If you have been before, welcome you back (bring a friend), if you are new WELCOME! We hope you come along ready to challenge: your skills, how you see life, how you see yourself and make some new friends.
Important Note: The New Year Classic and its events are drug and alcohol free. 
We ask that you respect this value as we seek to provide a safe environment for all and offer positive alternatives within the Australian sporting culture.
Our Values
A basketball tournament unlike any other
We are driven by our core values and believe they help us create a fun and safe environment for everyone to play, compete and make lifelong connections.
Welcome to the team!
Registration is for players as well as non-players 
who would like to attend the Tournament Launch and Awards Gala – previously known as the Opening and Closing Ceremony.
To register for The New Year Classic, please click the ‘register now’ button below and begin by selecting your state from the first drop down menu. Once you have done this, select your role from the next drop-down menu, being Player or Spectator. You will then be taken to the relevant registration page.
Special Note: you will want to register and be part of the Tournament Launch and Awards Gala event these will be SPECIAL

Safe Places
A statement of commitment to players/children/human safety
The National Tournament Committee is committed to 
being a safe place for ALL people who engage with us including children, young people, officials, spectators, and all participants.
We are committed to creating safe places because it is integral to our purpose, mission and core values. Central to this is creating space where any person within our network can thrive, contributing to and being a part of a safe community.
We want all people to be safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children, young adults, peoples and those who are vulnerable within our community.
We have ZERO tolerance for abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and will be presented at the Tribunal each morning for deliberation.
We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are concern about safety and the well-being of those in our community.
We are committed to preventing any forms of abuse and identifying risks early and removing and reducing these risks.
We have comprehensive procedures for recruiting, screening and managing all committee members, delegates, coaches and those volunteers in positions of leadership within our organisation.
We are committed to educating our staff and volunteers on creating safe places.

Barry Plant Noble Park
Phone: 03 8710 0000 | Fax:Â 03 8710 0041
Noble Park North VIC 3174